Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New things, new age, new tricks!

So Brylee is getting bigger and bigger all the time! She sits up pretty much by herself now and is on the verge of crawling! She used to do the motor lips noise all the time but doesn't do it anymore. I never got a very good video of that :( But here's a few updates for you to see.

Here she is showing off her great sitting up and smiling skills!

We went for a bike ride the other day and she got to ride in her Cadillac...

And she got a little tired along the way. :)

We bought a piano (that obviously needs some work) the other day and Brylee had her first lesson! She loves music!

She LOVES to stand up ALL THE TIME. She and her Daddy were just looking out the window the other day together. She loves her Daddy!

She is also a big star with sweet shades and an even cooler hat :)

And this is a cute tutu Aunt Amy made for her for Christmas. She's finally big enough to wear it without drowning! She's going to be a great dancer someday.

Here's a good effort at the motor lips... she mostly just slobbers though!

And here's a trick that she and her Daddy like to do.

And here is her current progress on crawling. So close, and yet so far!


  1. Cool piano! And of course, adorable baby Bry. We can't wait to see you guys this weekend!

  2. I love that you take so many pictures of your baby! It's so fun to see her on your blog she is adorable.
